


Beware of illegal personal loan ...

Do you understand personal loans? What should I loan to when applying for a personal loan? What are the commonly used "routines" for illegal loans? Personal loans, also known as retail loans, refer to local currency or foreign currency loans issued by banks or other financial institutions to natural persons who meet the loan conditions. They are generally used for personal consumption, production and operation and other purposes.

Common "routines" for illegal loans

Interest rates are low. Attract financial consumers with low interest rates, but the actual interest rate is far higher than the display interest rate, and there are often additional "management fees" and "handling fees". Using financial consumers' lack of discernment ability to confuse concepts, such as deliberately displaying daily and monthly interest rates, and not publicizing annual interest rates, resulting in consumers actually getting the loan, only to find that the real interest rate is much higher than they thought.

Loan quickly. We promise to make loans in "30 minutes" or less, and we cannot make loans in a short time in the actual work operation management process.

Black household loans. It claims that we can help consumers in the financial market delete or change bad credit records, but a package design document is required, and the cost can range from hundreds to thousands. The credit report cannot be modified at will. The so-called package is to recommend loan sharks for consumers of financial services.

Beheading. When lending to the borrower, first deduct from the principal as part of the money. For example, the lender gives the borrower 100,000 yuan, but can directly deduct the 20,000 yuan loan interest or service fee when making the payment. The borrower actually receives 80,000 yuan in the account, but the loan project contract or agreement is 100,000 yuan. That is, whether the amount recorded in the IOU or the contract is greater than the actual amount that China needs to borrow.

All-in-one large-denomination cards. It is claimed that large-value credit cards or shopping cards can be handled on an agency basis to induce financial consumers to pay fees first. In fact, it is impossible to do so.

Defraud personal information. It is called the need to collect identity information for loan processing, which is actually collecting financial consumer information for illegal purposes.

Defrauding liquidated damages. Signing a secret clause intentionally caused financial consumers to unilaterally breach the contract, requiring financial consumers to pay liquidated damages.

Violent collection. Through online violence, intimidation, insults, defamation, harassment, etc., and collection of loans.

When applying for a loan, which loan risk factors should be concerned, and what traps should you pay attention to?

The first is that the loan interest rate is "compared to the three." Different institutions are not completely consistent in their loan interest rate quotes. Under the same conditions, choose the institution with the most favorable interest rate. The second is to choose rationally and do what we can. The choice of loan term depends on the repayment ability you can afford. The third is to understand the details of repayment methods, early repayment conditions and other details, and carefully check the contract terms.

To apply for a personal loan, you must verify the qualifications of the lending institution. You must obtain a loan from a regular financial institution. The purpose of the loan must be true and legal. At the same time, you must choose rationally, act within your capacity, and carefully screen, and avoid falling into a financial trap because of petty gains.

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